National Vaccines And Immunization Program (NVIP)

Vision & Mission

A Nation free from vaccine preventable diseases.

To provide appropriate, accessible, affordable and equitable quality immunization services to the people of Kenya.


To coordinate vaccination services for all vaccine preventable diseases through provision of policy and guidelines, selected priority vaccines and related biologicals (sera, Immunoglobulins).

Core Values:

  • Ethics
  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Professionalism
  • Partnership and collaboration
  • Efficiency
  • Equity
  • Teamwork
  • Creativity and innovation


  1. Policy regulation and oversight
  2. Commodity security & quality assurance
  3. Monitoring and evaluation
  4. Advocacy and Resource Mobilization
  5. Capacity strengthening
  6. Conduction of appropriate operational research


The principle objective of the program is to ensure equitable access to appropriate vaccination services for all eligible persons in Kenya as prescribed in the Ministry of Health Immunization schedule and ensure timely response to specific situations of outbreak of life threatening Vaccine Preventable Diseases

Current Ministry of Health Immunization Schedule

Type of vaccines Age recommended for vaccination # of doses
BCG Birth 1
bOPV Birth, 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 14 weeks 4
DTP-HepB-Hib 6 weeks,10 weeks, 14 weeks 3
PCV 10 6 weeks,10 weeks, 14 weeks 3
Rota 6 weeks,10 weeks 2
IPV 14 weeks 1
Measles-Rubella 9 months, 18 months 2
Yellow Fever 9 months (Endemic counties and travelers) 1
TT for pregnant women TT-1 At first contact between (4th-6th months)
TT-2 One month after T-1 (latest by 8th month)
TT- 3 Third pregnany at first visit ( between 4th-8th month )
Vitamin A Every 6 months ( from 6 months till 5 years ) 9