The MOH through the Division of Family Health/ Reproductive and Maternal Health Services Unit, implements and monitors programmes to promote the reproductive health of the Kenyan people. Its goal is to ensure provision of a comprehensive, integrated system of reproductive healthcare, through a range of services offered by the government, non-government agencies and the private sector

The Maternal and Newborn Health Program

Efficient and high quality MNH services that are accessible, equitable, acceptable, and affordable for all Kenyans.

Eliminate preventable maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality


To provide national leadership and strategic guidance through responsive policies, guidelines, standards and research to strengthen provision of MNH services

To increase the availability, accessibility, acceptability and utilisation of skilled attendance during pre-conception, pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period at all levels of the health care delivery system.

To strengthen provision of high quality MNH services including the experience of care, provision of care, commodities, supplies and equipment security.

To strengthen data management, evidence generation through research and utilisation for improved MNH services