2018/02/28 06:00
Feb 28 2018
February 28, 2018

Launch of Reproductive Health (RH) documents and Division of Family Health (DFH) Website

  • 6:00 AM
  • Laico Regency Hotel, Nairobi
  • Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Health deaths (CEDM) Report 2017
  • The Costed Implementation plan for family Planning 2017-2020
  • ARSH Implementation framework 2017
  • Post Natal Care (PNC) guidelines 2017
  • SOPs for children survivors of sexual violence
  • SRH/HIV/SGBV/TB Integrated framework
  • The Cost of treating unsafe abortion complications in public health facilities in Kenya report 2016
  • National Guidelines for Quantification, Procurement and Pipeline Monitoring for Family Planning Commodities in Kenya (September 2016)

Reproductive Health (RH) documents

  1. ASRH Policy 2015 Brief Kenyapd
  2. AYFS Guidelines 2016
  3. CEMD Flyer Sept 3 FINAL- Key Messages
  4. CEMD Main Report Sept 3 FINAL- Full Report
  5. CEMD Policy Brief Sept 3 FINAL
  6. CEMD Summary of findings Sept 3 FINAL
  7. Guidelines for postnatal care to mothers and newborns 2016-18 12 2016B
  8. Ministry of Health – ASRH POLICY 2015
  9. National FP Costed Imlementation Plan 2017-2020
  10. National Guidelines for Quantification Procurement and Pipeline Monitoring for Family Planning Commodities in Kenya_Final for Print
  11. SOPVAC Book