Monitoring, Evaluation Research & Learning (MERL) Unit
Monitoring, Evaluation Research & Learning (MERL)
In-country reproductive health research capacity is key to creating improvements in local implementation of reproductive health programs and can help prioritize reproductive health issues in a landscape of limited funding. The MERL Unit places priority on research which has shown to be particularly useful to help answer strategic and programmatic issues in health care, including sexual and reproductive health (SRH).
The MERL Unit coordinates activities among researchers, policymakers, programme implementers, academic institutions, development partners, and other stakeholders in the reproductive health space in Kenya.
The goal of the MERL Unit is to harmonize the conduct of reproductive health research in Kenya, and the agenda will guide all players within the reproductive health research space in Kenya, with the aim of harnessing collective synergy, improved efficiency and advancing swift absorption of reproductive health research findings to inform policy thrusts and programmatic focus in the country.